Crested Gecko Images

In recent years, crested gecko images have appeared all over the Internet as their popularity increases and keepers have created websites about their care. You can find images here or search for various images on the Internet. A simple Google search will lead you to the top images of the crested gecko.

Images of crested geckos are available that capture the wide variety of color and pattern combinations inherent to this species. There are images that depict the crested gecko eating, licking its eyes and hanging from various surfaces.

A few Internet sites offer posters of the crested gecko. There are a variety of books available that will offer you the best photographs of this reptile. As more and more is discovered about the crested gecko, and as more specialized breeding is conducted, there will no doubt be a wider spectrum of images available.

Because they are not studied much in the wild, the majority of crested gecko images are those taken in captivity by breeders, keepers and sellers. Reptile shows may be a good place to view and purchase photographs or posters of the crested gecko.

Overall, crested gecko images are limited to those in captivity. That is not to say that these images are not interesting. They certainly do capture the charm and individuality of this unique breed of gecko.